1800 6786

Giảm ngay 5% khi nhập mã TETVUI05

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Benefits of joining the program

Brief information

From date: 15/01/2021 - 31/01/2021

Conditions & Rules

- From May 11, 2021, to June 30, 2021, the promotion is valid

- The gift card is valid for 14 days after it has been successfully redeemed.

- Each customer can redeem an unlimited number of gift cards.

- Gift cards are only valid for one purchase and can only be used once per transaction.

- Gift cards are non-exchangeable, non-refundable, not exchanged for cash.

User manual

1. Enter the term "GIC Motorcycle Insurance" into the search bar on the MoMo Wallet home page, or choose Finance - Insurance > Buy insurance > GIC Motorcycle Insurance.

2. Select GIC. Motorcycle Insurance

3. Choose "Buy Now"

4. Select an insurance package

5. Register information

6. Payment Confirmation Information Confirmation

Sign up for advice immediately

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Invalid email

Current promotions


Promotion applies to 31/08/2023