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GIC organizes Minigame "Send good wishes - Receive gifts immediately" to celebrate 18th birthday

On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of establishment (June 19, 2006 - June 19, 2024), Global Insurance Corporation ("GIC") offers attractive gifts to customers who have always loved and chosen our products through the Minigame "Send good wishes - Receive gifts immediately".

During the program, GIC Customers (“Contestants”) send congratulations, or share experiences when using GIC products and services (“Messages”) to receive gifts. From there, let's mark an 18-year journey full of connection and spreading positive values ​​with meaningful messages.

1. Minigame: Send good wishes – Receive gifts immediately

2. Time:

  • Time to send message: from June 10, 2024 to June 24, 2024
  • Results announcement time: from June 25, 2024 to July 2, 2024
3. Conditions:
The program is organized for GIC Customers (“Contestants”), who are Insurance Buyers of at least one (01) Insurance Contracts issued by GIC and in effect (“Contract”). .

4. Prize structure:
Prize structure Prize content Prize value Number of prizes Amount
Special Prize One (01) airline voucher 5.000.000 1 5.000.000
Gratitude Prize One (01) exclusive GIC gift set (Canvas Bag and 18th Anniversary Teddy Bear) 100.000 150 15.000.000
Total 151 20.000.000

5. Rules:
5.1. Topic:

Contestants share GIC's birthday wishes or memorable experiences when using GIC's products and services.

5.2. How to join:
Visit the following link: https://bit.ly/Minigame_MungSinnhat_GIC18 and fill in the message you want to convey to GIC on the occasion of its 18th anniversary.

5.3. Evaluation:
GIC will consider based on the following criteria:

  • Contestant meets the Contest Conditions;
  • Contestants complete all steps according to the rules;
Entries must meet the following conditions:
  • Relate to the topic and meets the Minigame regulations;
  • Share real stories and experiences, do not copy from any other source;
  • Does not violate copyright, state regulations and laws, does not violate Vietnamese customs and traditions;
  • Completely and accurately fill in the information of the Insurance Buyer, Product and Contract number of the Contestant.
6. Announcement of results and awarding prizes:
The list of winners (“Prize Winners”) will be announced on GIC's official website and Fanpage from June 25 - July 2, 2024.
Within 07 working days from the announcement date, GIC will deliver gifts to the information customers provide in the Participation Form.

7. Other regulations:
By participating in this Minigame, Contestants agree that:

  • GIC has the right to base on the Contract number information provided in the Form to compare with personal information in the Contract Record and confirm the eligibility and conditions for participation of Contestants and Winners;
  • GIC has the right to use the Winner's images and information for free in advertising and communication activities;
  • GIC has the right to reshare, post, and copy part or all of the Contestant's Entry for communication purposes without paying any costs;
  • GIC may revoke the prize awarded to the Winner if fraud is detected;
  • All decisions belong to GIC team;
  • The organization of the Minigame ensures fairness, transparency and objectivity;
  • This minigame is not a promotional program, not intended to sell goods or services.
Thank you customers for accompanying GIC. Join us to receive attractive gifts!

Global Insurance Corporation